Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Clearing up the Colorless Dust

They say life always comes in the way of living the life of your choice. As we make the so-called “progress” in life, we get layered up by the dust of rut, chores, responsibilities, have-to-do tasks, and more importantly, the inadvertently developed mindless escapes.  In between, our natural inclinations and creative excitements get buried underneath. What if we could instantly clear off the accumulated dust, to resurface the vibrant colors we naturally bear?

This summer I am on a mini-mission to bring the natural colors back into my life. I am trying to eliminate quite a bunch of colorless mindless activities from my life such as: 

  • Reading every single gossip on Bollywood celebrities (yes! you can certainly ask me about the  fashion magazine Sonam Kapoor is currently shooting for  and  how many scoprions are in the bachchan family, including the upcoming BayB)
  • Checking facebook profiles of random people  (J okay we all do that!) ,
  • Talking on phone for hours – reiterating the same things (the futile daily activities) again and again to different people (as if they care?)
  • Complaining and coming up with creative excuses for not exercising
  • Procrastinating making dinner – till the very last minute
  • Mindless browsing for finding technical solutions (as opposed to directly searching and posting on relevant forums or LinkedIn)
  • Writing ridiculously long emails to friends (pretty sure my friends don't read everything and they are not missing out on anything)
By giving these up, I hope to make a fresh vibrant room for my long lost and hidden colors by:
  • Joining a dance class
  • Waking up at a consistent time everyday
  • Starting writing thesis  30 minutes everyday
  • Finishing a wall quilt I have been making for a year now
  • Coming up with mind blowing gift ideas for my loved ones
  • Decluttering my apartment even more – selling off/giving away a bunch of items
  • Compiling my currently scattered bucket list on
  • Making accessories by self
  • Driving more often

I am ready to blow the pale dust away – and recolor my life. What about you???


  1. Love it Love it Love it !!! I am sure you will succeed in this mission of re-coloring your life with flying colors. The best thing I liked about it is the way you have systematically listed the things you wanna stop doing to make room for the things you wanna do. I just read the Tiny Buddha link you sent me but sure have applied it. All the Best for this new venture !!

  2. Thanks Tanks. Just trying to keep myself entertained :)
